Cell Exercise

The Healthy Cell Concept - Cell Exercise

Cell Exercise is seeing that your cells get exercise; that is, that you exercise!

The Healthy Cell Concept - Cell Exercise

Cell food is our first line of defense in the Healthy Cell Concept™. The next important step we can take toward good health involves cell exercise, which we’ll explore here.

Cell Exercise is seeing that your cells get exercise; that is, that you exercise!

Why bother with exercise?

It seems that every passing month research gives us more reason to exercise. Studies show that regular exercise leads to better physical and mental health and an overall improved lifestyle.

Exercise helps us physically

When we exercise routinely, our bodies work more efficiently and we use less energy to get better results. This pertains not only to physical movement—we can walk further, shop longer, play with the kids more energetically—but also to fighting disease. When we are in shape, we better use our energy when fighting disease or stress, or in the healing process. This can result in faster recovery, less stress, and a more powerful immune system.
Additionally, regular exercise*:

  1. Reduces the risk of dying prematurely and from heart disease, and of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon cancer,
  2. Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure,
  3. Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety; promotes psychological well-being,Helps control weight,
  4. Helps build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints,
  5. Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling.

You don’t have to become an exercise ‘fanatic’ to obtain these results. People who are usually inactive can improve their health and well-being by becoming even moderately active on a regular basis, and physical activity need not be strenuous to achieve health benefits. A brisk walk, some gardening, or choosing to take the stairs rather than the elevator could be all that it takes to contribute toward your better health.

For those interested in preventing bone loss and osteoporosis, experts recommend exercising at least three times per week. In a report published in The Physician and Sportsmedicine (vol. 26, 1998), sports therapists recommend resistance training (machines) plus weight-bearing exercise (brisk walking) in a progressive strength training regimen that develops over six months, and continues during the life span. “Muscle strengthening and walking improve support and stability to reduce falls and fractures. For individuals of all ages, exercise should be the keystone of osteoporosis prevention and treatment.”

Muscle pulling on bone builds bone, so weight-bearing exercise builds denser, stronger bones. In addition to weight-lifting and walking, some of the best exercises for building bone are: jogging, hiking, stair-climbing, step aerobics, dancing, racquet sports, and other activities that require the muscles to work against gravity. For those who prefer it, there are group sports, workouts at a health club, or exercising on equipment at home.

Exercise also helps us mentally

We often hear about athletes who win through brain power, not strength—in other words, mental sharpness enhances athletics. What we don’t consider as often is the opposite: that exercise enhances mental acuteness. Exercising releases hormones, neurotransmitters (which help the brain communicate within itself), and other substances that help the body relax.

There is growing evidence that regular physical activity helps to ward off mental declines as people age. A five-year Canadian study suggested that exercise may cut the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and less devastating mental losses by as much as 40 percent, particularly among women. Further, the report stated that those who exercised vigorously at least three times per week and were considered highly active, had the lowest risk of Alzheimer’s, but even those receiving light or moderate exercise significantly cut their risks for Alzheimer’s and mental decline (Archives of Neurology, vol. 53, 2001).

Brain researchers have long speculated on a link between movement and learning, and are beginning to believe that exercise not only shapes up muscles and expands the lungs, but also buffs up the cerebellum, an important part of the brain. It appears that exercise increases the levels of neurotrophins, proteins that stimulate the growth of new nerve cells in the part of the brain that deals with learning and memory.

When more complex movements are undertaken, be it jazzercise, crossover dribbles, or ballet, the brain produces a greater number of connections between its neurons.

Applying cell exercise to your life and business

Now that we’ve looked at the concept of Cell Exercise, perhaps you feel the need to start or expand an exercise program of your own. But, how do you begin? Here are a few simple things to keep in mind:

Find activities that you enjoy. Taking up an activity only because ‘it is good for you’ probably won’t result in a long-term commitment.

Make the exercise convenient. If you have to drive across town, or spend a half hour getting ready, you will be less likely to make exercising a regular thing. This is why walking or biking are good; all you do is walk out the door and go!

Vary your activities and how you do them. Walk one night, and bicycle the other. Or weight-train one evening, and do the stair-stepper the next. Vary your routine so nothing gets boring. Take different routes on your walks, or set markers and see how long it takes you to reach them.

Keep track of your progress. Improvement is a great motivation, so keep track of your success. Did you walk one more mile this time, or stay on the bike five minutes longer, or did you feel better? Develop a system for keeping track.

Lighten up! Not your weight, your attitude. Studies show that even ‘light’ exercise is beneficial. So, lighten up, and enjoy what you do! Exercise is a good time to set your mind free of the day’s cares, and just have fun.

Don’t give up! Taking up an activity only because ‘it is good for you’ probably won’t result in a long-term commitment.

Make exercise a part of your day. Why not ditch your car and walk? Or park further away than you usually do, and enjoy the journey. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. A set time for a workout is great, but take the time for exercise whenever the opportunity presents itself. It may add more pleasure to your day!

* Office of the U.S. Surgeon General: “Physical Activity and Health” report.

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